/* * Widths */ @wrapper_width: 1360px; @medium_width: 800px; @mobile_width: 640px; /* * Standard margin */ @margin: 20px; /* * The Grid */ @gutter_width: @margin; @column_count: 24; /* * Typography */ @base_font_size: 16; /* * Border Radius */ @border_radius: 4px; /* * Colours */ @border_color: #dde3e8; @text_color: #323232; @primary_color: #449bf7; @secondary_color: #4ed2b5; /* * Dark background / Light text */ @dark_color: #323232; @light_text_color: @light_color; /* * Light background / Dark text */ @light_color: #edf0f2; @dark_text_color: @text_color; @med_color: #b7babc; /* * Alert Colours */ @alert_color: #e74c3c; @information_color: #f1c40f; @success_color: #2ecc71; /* * Misc Colours */ @highlight_color: @primary_color; @background_color: @light_color; @mtc_blue: #0f55c4; /* * Media Query Breakpoints */ @desktop: ~"all and (min-width: " (@wrapper_width + 20) ~ ")"; @tablet: ~"all and (min-width: " (@mobile_width + 1) ~ ") and (max-width: " (@wrapper_width + 19) ~ ")"; @medium: ~"all and (min-width: " (@medium_width + 1) ~ ") and (max-width: @{wrapper_width})"; @mobile: ~"all and (max-width: @{mobile_width})"; /* * HTML Tag */ html { font-size: @base_font_size + 0px; &:before { content: 'tablet: @{wrapper_width}, mobile: @{mobile_width}, flyout: @{flyout_breakpoint}, medium: @{medium_width}'; position: absolute; top: 0; visibility: hidden; } } /* * @import of dynamic variables */ @import '../dynamic.less'; /* * Typography */ body { .rems(14); font-family: @body_font; color: @text_color; font-family: @primary_font; line-height: 24px; } a { color: @highlight_color; text-decoration: underline; &:hover { text-decoration: none; } } p { line-height: 26px; margin: 0 0 30px; } small { .ems(13); line-height: 20px; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0 0 15px 0; color: @text_color; font-family: @primary_font; line-height: 1; } .headingStyle(@selector: h1) { & when (@selector = h1) { .rems(44); } & when (@selector = h2) { .rems(36); } & when (@selector = h3) { .rems(30); } & when (@selector = h4) { .rems(24); } & when (@selector = h5) { .rems(20); } & when (@selector = h6) { .rems(16); } } h1 { .headingStyle(h1); } h2 { .headingStyle(h2); } h3 { .headingStyle(h3); } h4 { .headingStyle(h4); } h5 { .headingStyle(h5); } h6 { .headingStyle(h6); } /* * Site Logo */ .logo { float: left; padding: 0; margin: 30px 0; @media @tablet { margin: 20px 0; } @media @flyout { width: 100%; img { margin: 0 auto; display: block; } } @media @mobile { img { width: 45vw; } } } /* * Content/Sidebar */ .sidebar { margin: 0 0 @gutter_width 0; @media @desktop, @tablet { width: 30%; margin: 0 0 0 @gutter_width; float: right; } } .sidebar + .postContent { @media @desktop, @tablet { width: calc(70% ~"-" (@gutter_width * 2)); float: left; } } /* * Title Wrap */ .titleWrap { .clearfix(); .innerText { .wrapper(); } } .wp-caption-text { .rems(11); margin: 0; padding: 0 4px 5px; } .bypostauthor { display: block; } .sticky { position: relative; } .gallery-caption { display: block; text-align: left; padding: 0 10px 0 0; margin-bottom: 0; }